We Offer 4G/5G Mobile Proxies & VPN

We Offer 4G/5G Mobile
Proxies & VPN

Services to marketing companies & security minded individuals.

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Suitable for Testing









Suitable for Testing










SharedHop Coming Soon

What is SharedHop you ask?
SharedHop will be the same as regular SingleHop except you will be sharing the same modem with a few other users at the same time. Your IP will change on an interval predetermined by us. Your bandwidth will still be unlimited but you will be limited to a specific service of your choosing. EX: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

Join our wait list today and be notified when it becomes available.

Premium 5G Proxy Service
for Mobile IPs

We provide enterprise-grade 5G modems from Verizon Wireless and AT&T to provide true mobile IP addresses with the fastest and most reliable proxy speeds.

Nationwide Availability

From California to New York, access IPs across 50+ Locations.

Next-Gen Connectivity

Harness Verizon & AT&T 4G/5G proxies with seamless location transitions.

Tailored Control & Security

Exclusive IP access in seconds and personalized connection fingerprint.

Who It's For

At Mobilehop, we’ve engineered our services to cater to the diverse and demanding needs of today’s digital world. Our solution is not just another VPN service – it’s a fortified shield designed to serve professionals who cannot compromise on security and speed. Here’s who can benefit most from our cutting edge-offerings: 

Cyber Security Teams

Hide web activity for research, testing and attribution.

Data Scraping/Mining

Undetectable access to millions of US mobile IPs with easy/location rotation.

Ad Verification

Boost Ad campaign security with mobile proxies to fight ad fraud.

SEO Monitoring

Enhance your SEO Strategies with mobile proxies.

Social Media

Create several social media accounts simultaneously using multiple IP addresses.

Proxies for AI

Utilizing proxy servers to propel artificial intelligence forward

Anonymous Web Browsing

Instead of you directly connecting to websites, your requests go through our servers first.

Our Features

All of us here at MobileHop have worked tirelessly to provide products and services that are of the upmost quality to you, our clients. We believe our services to be at the bleeding edge of what 4G/5G mobile proxies can provide and our team is continually looking for new ways to improve and advance what is possible in this field. Take a look at a few of the ways we stand apart from our competitors.



To ensure total privacy we do not store any logs from proxies.


With security research engineers on staff, we’re able to create features such as TCP Fingerprint Spoofing and other cellular identity mitigations to protect your activities.


Our services are made to work with industry standard protocols. HTTP(S), SOCKS5 proxy protocol, L2TP w/PSK VPN or SSL VPN and work with virtually every operating system and automation tool.


We have built our system from the ground up with mobile carriers to ensure our products and services are legal.


We take pride in the products and services we bring to market. We also aim to be an industry leader in pricing

Stay Safe Online with Our
Trusted Proxy Portal Services

The proxy portal allows you to control all aspects of your service. Whether you have 1 proxy license or many licenses you will control all of them with the proxy portal. You will have access to change the IP, can setup if you want the IP to auto rotate, and if the proxy seems to be giving you problems you have access to hard reset it. There are credentials for HTTPS/SOCKS5 and even L2TP VPN which gives you direct connection to the proxy modem.

Learn More About The VPN

Enterprise Level Service

MobileHop strives to ensure 99.9% uptime for our 4G & 5G mobile proxies, we know your jobs are important and we aim to provide you with the best service possible.


Have a question or run into a problem?
MobileHop is staffed 24/7 keep your operations
on track. Our Live chat is available to you 24/7
should the need arise.


With our enterprise grade backend and 5G
network hardware has consistent proxy speeds
between 50-80 Mbps for mobile.

With our mobile proxy services, the speed exceeds any other in the industry for AT&T 4G proxy and verizon 4G Proxy. You will see speeds upwards of 50Mbps to even closer to 80Mbps. Our infrastructure is built from the ground up using high quality servers, network hardware and fiber optic cabling.

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